Sunday, May 1, 2011


Hot off the presses! Osama Bin Laden is dead!
We killed an innocent man. That's right, innocent. "Innocent until proven guilty" has been the basis of our government since its inception. So, technically, by that, Osama was an innocent man. We sought out and killed him. We did not try to detain him. The intent was to kill him. Does that not make us as bad as him? Had we tried to capture him, he tried to shoot at our soldiers, and then they killed him, then there would have been no problem as it would have been considered self defense. This is no different than police going in and killing a mass murder unprovoked. Hell, we even gave Saddam Hussein a trial!
The description of what happens just doesn't seem right. There was a firefight, but no Americans were hurt. Who are we fighting, Storm Troopers? How do guys who are protecting the most wanted man in the world such terrible shots?
Just heard someone on CNN saying that this ends the war on terror. So either one of two things needs to happen: either we pull out every single troop out of every other country, or he needs to shut the hell up. Al-Qaeda is not the only terrorist organization in the world. And even if they were, Hitler's death didn't get rid of every Nazi in the world did it? We are probably at more risk now than ever.
The true winners in all this: the Westboro Baptist Church. Americans have become enraged with them protesting funerals of soldiers. The reason they protest is because they believe that these soldiers are rebels in God's eyes. Now, we as a nation are celebrating the death of a rebel. How are we any better than them?

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