Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Now that I have your attention.
Listening to the news lately, which is a big mistake, I've heard some interesting facts about pregnancy. The main one is that there are 400,000 teen pregnancies each year. If only there were some way to prevent pregnancy while having sex! Although that is obviously a joke, it is sadly what many teenagers learn in school, to not have sex. It's obvious that abstinence only sex education does not work. Teens are having sex, obviously, so why do we still teach abstinence only? Sure, the number of teen pregnancies is decreasing, but it is still 9 times higher than other first world countries. If we actually taught all high school students about birth control, this number would be much lower. Instead of getting rid of Planned Parenthood we should support it. They work to prevent unwanted pregnancies. They aren't just an abortion clinic like some people like to think, but they are too set in their hatred to look at this fact.
But that is the way it is in our society, sex doesn't exist! We can't talk about it in the media. We can't even say the word uterus in state senate. Other countries don't have a problem discussing sex. The BBC even shows simulated sex on some programs. So why are we so censored? The movie Clerks was originally an NC-17 rating for language. If you haven't seen the movie, there is no nudity, no actual sex, and no violence in the movie. However, movies with violence and gore that make many people sicken are given an R rating no problem. Just this month, Rolling Stone showed a real severed head in its pages, while it blurred out a FAKE penis that Nicki Minaj was wearing in a harness in the same issue. Why are the priorities so backward?
Speaking of the media, why are homosexual men mainly portrayed as stereotypes in TV shows and movies? These characters highlight the comedic differences between those of various sexual orientation, like those in Glee and Modern Family. In reality, these differences are not as blatant. I feel bad for saying this so much, but we could really learn something from the UK. Once again, on BBC there is a show, Torchwood, that handles it well. The main character, Captain Jack Harkness, is omnisexual, but with the exception of having romantic and sexual relationships with men, women, and aliens, he does not fulfill the "usual" stereotype.

On a completely unrelated note: For fellow Pastafarians, we are in the middle of Pastover. I hope you all have been touched by His noodly appendage. RAmen.

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