I could use this post to discuss the national election results, but I think we all know what my reaction to that is. Instead, one of the most surprising results from last night was Los Angeles County's Measure B. For my friends outside of the LA area, Measure B would require adult film productions to obtain County health permits, be trained in blood-borne pathogens, and use condoms and other safety equipment to prevent the spread of blood-borne pathogens. This seems like it would be beneficial on the surface, but Los Angeles county is going to suffer now that this has passed.
First, porn actors are tested constantly to determine their STI infection status. If this wasn't already a self-imposed policy put on by the studios, then maybe some change would be necessary. There are very few cases of STI's in the porn industry right now, and any infections that are caught are quickly isolated so they don't spread to the other performers.
Not only would this law require the use of condoms, it would require any sexual act to use proper barriers. This means gloves for any manual contact, condoms and dental dams for oral sex, and possibly protective eye wear. In addition, county inspectors would be required on each set in order to ensure that all of these safety measures are followed. These inspectors would have to go through training as well. Where would the funding for this come from? Taxpayers? The porn industry is a $1 billion to $2 billion industry, and brings a lot of money to the LA county economy. They won't stay in LA county if all of this holds up. Instead, they will move to San Bernadino county, and taking all of their business and tax money with them.
It seems like this measure is meant as a way to use pornography as a way to encourage people to use condoms. Is this what we've come to now? Using porn as a way to replace proper sexual health education? We need to stop abstinence-only education and replace it with in-depth sexual education. Maybe then we wouldn't need to rely on something that is meant to be a form of expression and entertainment as an educational tool!